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1. My favorite animators are puuungNata Metlukh and Joung Yumi .

2. My favorite color is butter yellow.

3. I have two (twin) sisters and two brothers.

4. Gustav Klimt is one of my favorite traditional artists.

5. I would gladly spend all my money on books and sweaters.

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I am Raleigh born-and-raised, and I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May 2019. I've been drawn to design since childhood where I would take hours to make a birthday card or preoccupy math class sketching on a piece of scrap paper. 


I favor a quirky style, and I love to play with texture. My goal is to pursue a career in motion graphics, as I see it as the perfect intersection between aesthetic design and captivating storytelling. 





Find me on Pinterest or reach me by email.

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  • Pinterest
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